.nuspec reference. 08/29/2017; 19 minutes to read Contributors. all; In this article. A .nuspec file is an XML manifest that contains package metadata. This manifest is used both to build the package and to provide information to consumers.
Mar 29, 2018· Watch video· The fear of his elder brother's death starts to haunt an innocent, hearing impaired guy after they both join forces to overthrow the unlawful 30 year long regime of their village's president.
Watch video· Start here to prepare for mixed reality development. This article should always reflect the most current versions of Unity, Visual Studio, and other tools recommended for HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality immersive headset development.
The latest Tweets from Wanda Sykes (@iamwandasykes). Comic, producer, writer, stunt double, wife, mother, and know-it-all. Coming to a city near you...maybe. Check the website for tour dates
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