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Welcome to Northern Ireland. Discover inspiring things to do, places to stay, events, deals and offers from the official tourism body for Northern Ireland.

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Test 1-1120. STUDY. PLAY. The place to be these days is in one of the accession countries, as the focus on EU enlargement begins to intensify. INTENSIFY ... It is also the ghost at the feast of much polite society in Northern Ireland. FEAST Перевод: праздник, пир, банкет, пировать, попировать ...

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A member of Bank of Ireland Group. Comhlucht na hÉireann um Árachas cpt [New Ireland Assurance Company plc] Registered in Ireland No. 7336. Registered Office: 5-9 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2.

Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom (although it is also described by official sources as a province or a region), situated in the northeast of the island of Ireland.It was created as a separate legal entity on 3 May 1921, under the Government of Ireland Act 1920. The new autonomous Northern Ireland was formed from six of the nine counties of Ulster: four ...